After two years of living in a pandemic restrictions finally lifted so much that the Zeitentanz-association was allowed to open it’s doors to a new ball! This years theme was ‚Napoleon – Mon Dieu!‘ and so most of us wore beautiful empire gowns to dance the night away.
And it was amazing! Since it was only allowed to hold a very small ball there weren’t so many people which almost all of us found pretty good, since we had more space to dance and also more time to talk to each other.
My dress was made with a beautiful silk crepe/satin I got a few years ago from a classmate who sold the leftovers of this fabric for very cheap and I always wanted to make an empire dress out of it but never had a good opportunity. The fabric itself was horrible to work with. It felt like you only look at the fabric and it started so wobble around. Cutting the pattern was nerve wracking but I did it after a lot of swearing.
Under the dress I wore my new stays which sadly were way too high in the back…or the dress was too short, whatever, it did not look good, even though the fit was pretty nice. Next time I would lengthen the stays so that they sit in the waist and have a bit more hold on my body.
Over the stays I wore a bodiced petticoat which can be adjusted in the waist and also on the neckline because I wanted to conceal the stays a bit more since my fabric is SO sheer.
I also had a lot of fun doing my hair. I wore a big bun at the back of my head and curled some strands of hair in the front with a curling iron my friend Maria (@historical_hinterlist) recommended. It was the ‚BaByliss 10mm Curling Wand‘ and I was so impressed because my hair normally doesn’t take on any heat styling but the curls were holding up the whole night and also the whole next day until I washed my hair.
Since my hair goes down to my bum, I had to pin the curls up and I think I looked like a cocker spaniel. Not as cute but I saw a resemblence. On top of that I wore a tiara I got for very cheap from Aliexpress. The store I bought from is called ‚George Black Official Store‘ and I never had problems with them. The customer support is also very efficient.
My necklace is from the super talented @orniello_by_celefindel who also owns an etsy shop.
And now for some pictures!
The pretty lady in grey is my good friend Marlene (@thestyleofmarleen) who had her official debut at this ball!