A few weeks ago when my good friend Franziska (@missparlic) and her boyfriend from germany visited vienna to attend the ‚Zeitentanz‘ ball. At the ball we decided to make a trip to Klosterneuburg near vienna the next day.
And so we did!
It’s a very old and also very big monastery which is still operating today but it’s also a museum with many stunning objects and it’s also researching a lot.
We were very lucky with the weather on this day. When we arrived it still was beautiful outside but right after we went inside it started raining.
Franzi wore her new regency dress with her new coat and she looked so lovley! I personally think, that she always looks like she hopped out of a painting!
Also Mr Parlic was wearing a new outfit and I think he looked like a very wealthy guy who just bought a big property like the monastery 😀
I wore my robe a l’anglaise which I made last year for the ‚Zeitentanz‘ ball with my new fur cape.