My break was a bit longer than I wanted but I used the time to get a lot of things done and sew also a lot.
In january I finally got to buy a sewing table and some storage for my sewing related things and I was also very busy with school and my costumes because my first costuming event in 2020 was the ‚Zeitentanz‘ ball in vienna.
This was my second time at this ball and my experience differed a lot.
But first I want to show you what dress I made for the ball. 😀
I decided almost last minute that I wanted a new dress for the ball. In the end I had about 2 1/2 weeks left to make adress while beeing super busy with school.
So I decided to sew it completley by machine and use a fabric from my stash.
I found a lovley striped curtain fabric in my stash which I inteded to become a regency ball gown, but in the end it got to be a chemise a la reine.
I used the pattern from Norah Waugh’s The Cut of Women’s Clothes. You can find the diagram on the internet but I won’t link it here because I believe in buying books to support the authors who make and write books about historical clothing!
Since I didn’t have much time and the dress is super simple to make I only have finished pictures.
The ball itself was fun like last time but the dancing was a bit problematic.
Some of the dances were way too hard for beginners and the dance-mistress (I don’t know if thats the right translation) did NOT stop the musicians even though about 70% of the people were totally confused and were not dancing but trying to figure out what to do.
This happened way too many times.
I also think that the price is a bit high when I think of other balls in way bigger rooms with more (better) finger food. It’s also a shame that the ball isn’t going very long. I think at 11 p.m. everything was over so no music and many people where already leaving.
But well. It’s the only historical ball we have in vienna so I don’t want to complain too much, because it’s always a good excuse to sew something new and go dancing. 😀
And now a few pictures. I didn’t took many because I was busy talking to friends, dance and having fun!
And also a big thank you to my lovley friend Franzi (@missparlic on instagram) and also Mister parlic for taking pictures! ♥