2019 is over and I can’t wait for 2020 to start. But I also took some time to reflect the past year and I started thinking about all the things I did.
2019 started with an amazing couture sewing course from Thomas von Nordheim , I attended my first historical ball and then I also had the opportunity to meet many of my costuming friends in Vienna for our yearly Sommerfrische. Later I also meet up with some of them in Bad Ischl and also in germany. And for all those events I wore new dresses I made this year!

And now it’s the time to finally check my costuming plans I had. (And I know I didn’t stick to them at all. 😀
Since I posted my plans for 2019 in july I already made a lot of things before the actual plan. You can read about it *here*.
So my plan started with making an apron for my blue seaside bustle dress. I started making one, hated the look of the dress with it and tossed it. I still have a lot of the fabric left so maybe I will make one..sometime..in a few years 😀
Next I wanted to make an 18th century dress in black with a matching cape. I made the cape but the dress isn’t finished at all. 😀 The skirt is almost finished but I haven’t even started with the bodice because my old stays are too big and I need to make new ones first. I’m going to roll this project over to 2020 because I still want my black dress. 😀
Then I planned on making an 17th century dress and I haven’t started. I’m still researching and I also haven’t found a fabric that suits my needs.
Then I talked about a new ball gown for the Zeitentanz ball for 2020. I’m still not sure if I really want to make a new one because I don’t have much free sewing time right now… I already have a striped fabric in my stash but I’m still not sure.. Maybe Im only going to decorate an existing dress.

And finally my costume for school: Did I make it? YES! But I’m still not allowed to show you what I made, but hopefully I’m allowed to post about it in february! Two posts about the dress are already written and a few more are in the making but I have to wait until the official launch from my school and the partner of this project!
I didn’t make a few things in the second half of the year but I don’t mind that too much. Some projects need time and some projects are waiting for a more fitting time. I still want to finish those projects but I’m not forcing it.
Sewing has to make you happy and you need to enjoy yourself while doing it.
And the next year is starting very soon and with it you can also start new sewing plans! 🙂