The first half of 2019 is already over but I still want to share my plans for this year with you and also what I already made!
In january I made my new Zone front gown for the Zeitentanz ball in february. The dress was based on a pattern I got from my lovely friend Roti from Black Snail Patterns.
After this dress I had to work on my Sommerfrische wardrobe. I made an early 1860s ensemble with all the underpinnings, two bodices and also started redoing a parasol which I didn’t finish on time but later in june! In fact it took me three times to get the fabric right..
I also made a new (unplanned) bustle dress for the Café Demel visit in less than two weeks and a little reticule to hide my phone. Since I rushed throug this project I don’t really have progress pictures of it.
June was a super busy month for me because I graduated from fashion school and hadn’t much time for sewing. But I still managed to sew a Seaside bustle dress in less than two weeks, make a hat and finish my parasol – finally!
I also made four modern summer dresses for myself but they are not so exciting that I want to post them on this blog. 😀
And this is it for the first half of 2019. I didn’t sew everything I wanted to make, but I’m still happy with what I have. I really love my new outfits and I can’t wait to wear them again!

But now the second half of 2019 has started and I have a lot of plans as usual. I’m wondering what I will finish this year and what projects I’m going to make spontaneously. 😀
Since I want to reduce my fabric stash this year I try to use what I already own instead of buying new things. I know that I have projects where I need to buy new fabric, but I also have projects where I can use up a good amount of fabric I own.
The first project where I can use up a lot of fabric is an apron for my seaside dress I’m going to wear again for the Kaisergeburtstag in Bad Ischl where Roti (@blacksnailpatterns) will hold a picnic again.
I can’t wait to see her and the others again!
After Bad Ischl I’m going to finally sew my black 18th century dress with a matching cape for winter. It probably will be a Robe à l’Anglaise but I’m not so sure about that. Still need to think it through because I already own three anglaises. Can’t get enough of them!
This dress will be a little bit gothic inspired and I hope to wear it in winter and get pictures in the snow…but for that I need snow and it doesn’t snow a lot in Vienna. So fingers crossed!
I also need new 18th century stays because mine are a little bit too big but I maybe get them from a good friend this summer. If not I will have to sew them myself (and I would try out the redthreded pattern!).
The very same friend is the reason why I’m also researching a new era! My dearest Franzi (@missparlic) persuaded me to sew a baroque dress. We both settled for the 1660/70s and we plan to start in early autumn. I still have a lot of research to do, but that’s not so easy because you don’t have too many originals and books are also pretty rare. I got Seventeenth-century womens’s dress patterns (Book Two) for this and I think I’m going to sew a bodice from this book, because there is a pattern for a puffy sleeve bodice and I want puffy sleeves 😀
If I finish everything on time I also want to make a new 18th century ball gown for the Zeitentanz ball which I hope to join again. I already have a few ideas but I still need to think this through so I don’t want to talk too much about it for now.
And still there is another very big project coming up this year. I’m going to start the masterclass for stage costumes this september and I will have to sew an historical or fantasy outfit with underpinnings, hats etc.
I don’t know what I will sew yet, but I’m very excited and can’t wait to share this big project with you!
And that’s still not it! 😀
In the first few months of 2019 I started experimenting with 19th century beauty recipes. I made a lot of pictures and tried many recipes and still need to share them with you.
I also want to test the recipes from the new American Duchess book. Since I’m living in europe I won’t get the book until late July (I have to admit this upsets me a lot…) and I also need to source the ingredients because we don’t get the rendered fats for the pomatums here.

Well, that’s it for this year. At least I hope so. If you know me, you know I love a new project just for fun – preferably when I have only 2 weeks left for an event 😀