On the second day of this years Sommerfrische we visited the park in Laxenburg near Vienna.
The park is very very old but in the 18th and 19th century many things were buildt and changed and gave it the look it now has.
Maria Theresia started with changing the canals in Laxenburg and Emperor Franz II let the Franzensburg be buildt.
And it also was an important place for the famous Empress Elisabeth. Two of her children were born in Laxenburg and it was also the first place where she and Emperor Franz lived after their wedding.
This is why we chose to visit this place. 🙂
We hosted a picnic there and I made Victoria Sandwiches with Mrs Crocrombes recipe and also eggsalad and cucumber-mint sandwiches!

After our picnic we went to the Franzensburg for a tour through it. We learned a lot about the Franzensburg and where all the interior came from (It seems like everything inside is from other castles, monasterys and other royal places. Almost nothing was made new for the Franzensburg!)
It was also possible for us to take a few pictures inside and I strongly recommend visiting the Franzensburg! It’s even more beautiful in real life!

If you want to see a little bit more of our day 2 in Laxenburg, you can go and watch the video Laura (Goldkehlchen20) filmed for us!