As I told you in my last post about my crinoline project I bought a corset pattern which I wanted to tell you more about!
I follow redthreaded on instagram for quite a while now and I adore her (and her teams) work!
The corsets and stays always look so beautiful and seem to fit everyone. When I decided to buy a pattern I knew it had to be one from redthreaded.
I went on her website, got to her etsy shop and bought the 1860’s Gored Corset pattern for € 21,47. A little bit to expensive for my liking, but I still bought it.
The payment process was super easy. I used paypal and got to download the pattern right away.
After downloading the pattern I read through the instructions on my computer before printing the pattern.
After printing the pattern and beginning to glue everything together I found a big contra for european buyers.
The pattern is supposed to be printed on US-letter size paper which is slightly different to the european DIN A4 size and I had to guesstimate a little bit where to glue everything together. (DIN A4: 210mm x 297mm and US Letter: 215.9mm x 279,4mm).
But this was my only problem I had with the pattern and if you can lay your hands on US-letter size paper, you shouldn’t have a problem at all. But for me it was impossible to get this paper format.
Now let’s talk about the corset itself. I decided to sew the corset without any pattern changes because I wanted to see the general fit on my body. I have a relativley small waist compared to my hips and most patterns are too straight for my body shape.
The Instructions were super easy to follow, you have a lot of photographs which makes it even easier and if you still need help you can always contact them.
Only the bust gussets were tricky to sew and need some practice to set them in perfectly.
I had to reset my gussets because they were super billowy in the first time and after this I had to cover up the not so pretty gusset ends. I used satin coutil for this corset and it was beautiful to sew…but those gusset ends were a pain in the…needlebox.
The corset itself is comfortable to wear and I like it a lot. The shape fits my body, it’s not too straight and I can stay in this corset for hours without feeling pressure anywhere. The only fitting issue I have is, that the bust gussets start really low on my body and they are still billowy when I wear the corset. But you cannot see this at all when I have my bodice over it.
I don’t really know why the gussets did that. It could have been the satin coutil I used or simply that the gussets start too low on my body. I guess we will never know until I make a second corset with the adjustments, which I’m going to! 😀
I now have worn the corset many times under various dresses and I still love it a lot. I always forget that I’m wearing a corset and do not feel pressure anywhere.